Titles with 'School life (may contain bloody violence Genre'
Boing, Comedy, Conspiracy, Cops, Gunfights, Large Breasts, Law and Order, Nudity, Pantsu, SciFi, Special Squads, Violence, Violent retribution for accidental infringement
Action, Boing, Comedy, Cops, Ecchi, Large Breasts, Law and Order, Pantsu, Special Squads, Tragedy, Violence
Action, Cyberpunk, Shounen, Underworld, Violence
Action, Shounen, Super Power, Swordplay, Violence, Comedy, Supernatural
Comedy, School, Supernatural
Daily Life, Romance, School Life, Tragedy
Action, Gunfights, Seinen, Violence
Band, Clubs, High School, Music, School Life, Seinen, Slapstick
High School, Love Polygon, Romance, School Life, Seinen
Action, Androids, Mecha, Post-apocalyptic, SciFi, Violence
Action, Gunfights, Military, Violence
Comedy, Fantasy, Seinen, Slice of Life, Supernatural
Horror, School Life, Seinen, Violence, Drama, Slice of Life, Action
Game, Slice of Life, Sports, Drama, School, Josei
Comedy, Romance, School, Slice of Life, Seinen