Reviews for Re: Cutie Honey


"Cutie Honey" appeared in many different animation and story styles. Some of them were better some worse, and some just disaponted me to the core ("Cutie Honey Universe" Im talking about you). For me, this OVA is one of the best, or even the best rendition of the "Cutie Honey" series. 

It embraces the classical elements that made the anime amazing - bubbly music, light atmosphere and bizzare, often funy scenarios. The animation is not astounding, but the style is pleasant to the eye and captures the energy that this show gives. 

I also like the fact, that the main characters are not pervy like in the old versions and that Kisaragi Honey does not fall in love with Seji (It was already used in the most of the parts). 

My only problem is the nudity and how background characters react to it - I know the anime is mostly fan service, but as a person that loves "Cutie Honey" for the plot, it disgusts me.

Overall I would recommend this series to classical Magical girl fans that like new, fresh and one of a kind designs.
