Honest, this was some high fantasy I've been looking for in an anime. Don't get me wrong it's very "Harry Potter at Hogwarts" type of vibe at first but it ended turning me for a loop. I got so invested around the moment of the protagonists background story and completely hooked as soon as I got confirmation about another character. It ended up being so fun and exciting with each new battle. The characters started being more than just the tropes. I don't want to give away too much but once worldbuilding started playing into the decisions of the story I was craving more. The animation is enough said, the pacing on the slow parts feel slow but in a good way, but once the action hits; it hits fast and hard. The music is gorgeous and honest, I'm going add some of them to my D&D games. I look forward to the 2nd season desperately!!! I really do hope you guys give it a chance because I know this went under the radar when it came out but please don't sleep on it!!