How much do you sleep?
Knowing that there are always good anime coming out. Even some are not yet animated but knowing they will be animated.
How do you maximize your time?
I feel like I am missing if I found a good anime and I haven't watched it yet. Then I go to binge watching completing like three seasons in one go?
How should I manage this?
How much do you sleep?
Discussions > How much do you sleep?
3 year
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3 year
Honestly same, if I find an anime I enjoy I'd end up binge watching it and there goes my sleep. My sleep schedule sucks. One day I'll sleep 4 hours, the next 7.
I used to do the exact same thing, stay up super late watching anime. As I got older it was becoming much more of a problem for me lol. I ended up having to take a big break from anime entirely and get myself into a routine. These days I get about 6-7 hours of sleep a night :)
When I was younger I would prioritize anime over sleep and a work schedule maybe getting 3-4 hrs of sleep. But now I have to jungle around a family, school and work so my anime watching has suffered, but I still keep up for the most part. I can squeeze in 6-8 hrs of sleep and do my schedule and still get 2-5 ep. a day. Which isn't binging but its still keeping me in the loop and watching what I love.
Cloudsurfer1When I was younger I would prioritize anime over sleep and a work schedule maybe getting 3...
How can you even function with 4 hours of sleep?!?!?! If I get less than 8 hours, my whole mood will be spolied for the day.
vorg9122How much do you sleep?Knowing that there are always good anime coming out. Even some are n...
Usually 5-6 hours. I sleep around 2-3am i woke up around 8-9am.
Back in the day I would binge watch ep after ep but now with a work schedule and a long hiatus from anime, ive found balance.
Now I just keep up with 2-3 active animes on weekends and rest time im just watching reruns of fav animes here and there in between YT videos. Dont have time to explore new animes and watch 15 episodes only to find out its wack.
All in all, I sleep around 6-8 hrs a night and still get to watch anime on mostly weekends and overall have a normal productive work schedule/workout routine. So it is possible, just gotta find balance. Taking a break from anime was nice too, made me appreciate anime much more now.
vorg9122How much do you sleep?Knowing that there are always good anime coming out. Even some are n...
I don't watch anime as much as I used to, but I remember when I felt this way in high school. I would watch anime at school all day and then I would come home and keep watching anime all evening until about 2 AM. I don't recommend doing this for anyone still in HS though! I regret not taking the chance to study more or get better grades. It really did end up being important for me even though I never thought it would. Aside from that though... Just make sure you get done what needs to be done and get about 7 hours of sleep, then you can use every second of your remaining time to watch anime!!
vorg9122How much do you sleep?Knowing that there are always good anime coming out. Even some are n...
sleep? I just don't
Exams tomorrow? sounds like a problem for future me, i need to catch up on some anime
I get a healthy 8 or 9 hours a night :) Usually in bed at 10 or 11pm and up at 7am for work. If I get any less, it takes a while to get fully awake and alert.
i stay up for 2 days straight at a time (no sleep). and then i sleep for about 3 hours and repeat....
When I was a student, I normally can binge watch a entire season even while studying and can go with just 2 hours of sleep. I can't do that now beacuse of work, I now sleep for 4 - 5 hours, not sure if that's an improvement, but I just automatically wake up when I get 4 hours of sleep (5 when I was really tired the previous day). I binge watch animes over the weekend, makes the wait all worth it.
Chances are, I'd fall asleep to an anime and then I'd wake up realizing I'm on episode 20 of an anime and then I have to go back to watch a few. I don't usually not let myself be able to fall asleep but it does help me stay awake though.
Lomusaur42sleep? I just don't Exams tomorrow? sounds like a problem for future me, i need to catch u...
This is dangerous. Lack of sleep is closely related or compared to being drunk. Extended lack of sleep will get you hangover. lol.
Hope you manage to tone it down a bit. stay safe.