Discussions > Huhuhuhu It's time again :(

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Hi Guys!

How is everyone? Hope ya all doing great! :)

It's been a while since my last announcement. Anyways, I would like to express our gratitude to all our users who have supported us and still using OS til this day and specially to our donators who generously provide us to keep our site alive. OS wont be running without you guys 

I would also like to say thank you to our New Staffs who offered us help to maintain our videos and reuploads them to a better quality .

Now, ill get to the point. As many of you know, our site relies heavily on the generous support of our donators. unfortunately, its been a while since we reach our monthly goal and I'm currently running low on my personal funds to shoulder the upcoming months 
. I would really appreciate if we could reach the monthly goals for few months in order to keep the site running.

Another thing is I started updating our beta site last month and hopefully ill completely finish it and fix most issues i found and reported.

Sorry for my very bad english :(.

Again, Thank you everyone for your undying support to OS.

All Hail OS!


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Hi Guys!How is everyone? Hope ya all doing great! :)It's been a while since my last annou...

Thanks for the awesome site

 2 Reply
Hi Guys!How is everyone? Hope ya all doing great! :)It's been a while since my last annou...

Adding a few different ways to donate might be worth looking into. It's been awhile but I've looked over the years at donation but I don't have access to what is currently available. I can't talk for others but that's why I haven't.

 2 Reply
Hi Guys!How is everyone? Hope ya all doing great! :)It's been a while since my last annou...

You and your site are incredible, and I thank you for it! As soon as my situation allows, I'll be donating once again.

 1 Reply
Hi Guys!How is everyone? Hope ya all doing great! :)It's been a while since my last annou...

Yes, please include more ways to donate through platforms like Grab (if you are in SEA), Youtube, Google Pay etc.

 1 Reply
Hi Guys!How is everyone? Hope ya all doing great! :)It's been a while since my last annou...

Can you try setting up Ko-fi? Or Buy Me A Coffee.
I just want to ask, is the Patreon working now?

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