Discussions > OSv3 is now in Beta!

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So finally its in beta version!! 

I know you guys are tired of waiting for this. but hey its better late than never. lol.

Anyways, please check the site out and let me know if you find any issues or would like to suggest something.

Thank you


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it looks like this(exept i have removed the other tabs i have open)




atleast that is how it looks for me(it keeps like that into the end of the show so nothing pops up to show next episode starts)

 1 Reply

is the mobile version mp4 or something simular


Looks good! I was just thinking it needs an overhaul :)

Few suggestions I have:
On video view page, is there a need for double episode title? I would only keep the upper one.

Also on Discussions page (like this page), it would be nice to have an indicator somewhere how many pages there are and you can directly go to page. At first clance I completely missed the Next > button

 1 Reply
Looks good! I was just thinking it needs an overhaul :)Few suggestions I have:On video vie...

Thank you for trying out v3.

It actually make sense. Thanks a lot. ill be adjusting them.

For the discussion page. Yes. ill make a proper output for pagination. 

Thank you again ;)



Few more suggestions I have (could be only my preference though). The episode listings on the show page.

1. Order the episodes from older to newer - I think it feels more logical this way and this is how it already behaves once you open the episode also (the list next to the video), or even better make it sortable by clicking on the column (and save that as users preffered option perhaps). Especially it throws me off that there are numbers in front of the rows, but they don't match the episodes (or run in the opposite older), maybe remove that column completely?

2. When you hover over the episode in the listing, a play symbol appears, make that also clickable, not only the episode title, or even better, make the entire episode row a link:

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Few more suggestions I have (could be only my preference though). The episode listings on ...

1. Redundant title in watch page has been updated.

2. Ordering of the episode has been updated.

I have added the pagination issue in discussion and sorting of episodes in the anime information page in my to do list.

Thanks a lot for you suggestions.


 2 Reply

Me again (you're starting to hate me already, right? :D).

The content sliders on Home page (like Recent updates, Titles for you, Discussions) need navigation arrows to move the slider left/right. The drag function to move left and right makes me accidentally click the titles all the time. Additionally on some screens resolutions (where it doesn't cut the content on the side) you may not even know that this is a slider and has more content. Some places also make them scrollable with mouse wheel.

These I mean



is there a stay login or im trippin cuz its annoying to keep logging in

 1 Reply

You have put so much work in this new version. I'm so sure it wasn't easy but damn, IM PROUD! This will forever be my favorite site \_(^-^)_/

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I would surgest changing the way the amount of donation is showed so one of the two numbers are ontop of the bar and the other below(eighter the tracking part on top of the bar or the 0 and goal on top)

that would make it possible to see how much is the goal and how much is donated in the event the two are close or there are donated more then the goal

 1 Reply

this here is just an ide nothing else, but i have really wanted something like this.


what about making function where you get a random anime show but it is based of what you have watched on the site(with more value given to newer watched shows), it could be as simple as taking the geners of the shows and comparing them and then giving a value(like watching 07-Ghost would be something like  ActionFantasyJoseiMagicMilitarySuper Power) and then adding them all toghtere(for all the shows you have watched and then given a random shows based of one of those values, so someone that watches a lot of magic shows would generally get a magic show as random.

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Alright Boss man, found a neat little bug, on the home screen the menu tiles (Recent Updates, News, New Titles, Genres, Disscusions)  if you hover your cursor over the little red bar that slides across the bottom of them you cursor and the bar will have a little seizure. Also on the home screen under the recent discussions section if you click on one of the view thread buttons it just returns you to the top of the home screen

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the new os looks great!

sorry but can you send me a screenshot what shows on your end? so i can duplicate your iss...

I look so sleak my better than vbulletin in my opinion only

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Some things that I think would be a good improvement:

  1. A button for account settings in v3
  2. The ability to modify watchlist and favorites from the profile screen instead of having to click on individual anime
  3. This last one is more of a personal preference but in v2 I liked the colored dots on the anime list to label movies, completed, incomplete, and ongoing.  It doesnt have to be dots but some label like that would be nice (some examples would be colored names, symbols next to names, ect.)

These are just some thoughts on possible improvements.  You guys are doing a great job already.

I like the minimizable shoutbox and PM sidbar that can be opened up.  Seeing the anime covers on the home screen is also realy nice.  Picture in picture mode is amazing and works well (from my tests on chromebook). Finally, as always, the anime here is awesome. 

Keep up the good work! (and breaks as needed lol)

 1 Reply

Sry for the double post...  I noticed a minor bug with the favorite section in the profile.  When adding an anime to the list, the site often responded to me that "The anime had been removed from Favorites list". then when clicking the button again, it adds the anime but adds duplicate links for the previous clicks that supposedly 'removed' the title from favorite list.  Trying to remove 1 duplicate results in all links being removed.  On the other hand, leaving the links, all the duplicates work the same just taking up extra space so no vital functionality issues.

Best Wishes, Zyvreal


I like this a lot. 


The format, the way you designed it, the updates in this beta is something way more then i could even imagin. It looks amazing, and im sure all the bugs were found yet, but if i find any ill be sure to let you know. 

<3 finally updated anime have more then a name to it lol (picture) 

Yay XDD <3 


Oh my gosh I only knew about the beta site today!!! Congrats jbluey-sama! This looks so good! Although I still won't be able to continue watching anime because of data constratints TT All hail OS!
Also, I'm just checking how my profile would look like in the new site XD

So finally its in beta version!!  I know you guys are tired of waiting for this. but ...

Thank you so much for this, jbluey and the whole OS staff who made this possible! I love OS' beta version! 


This is probably too much to ask but can we get the forums in here.

If it can't be done, I don't mind not getting it.


beta was awesome

So finally its in beta version!!  I know you guys are tired of waiting for this. but ...

I am loving this Beta :) so excited to launch the new OS :)

Well done @Jbluey :)

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