A young Shirou Emiya and his adoptive father Kiritsugu travel to Fuyuki in order to investigate the Sakatsuki family, who are rumored to be harboring a child with powerful magic abilities. However, the arrive to find the city engulfed in a massive black vortex which is banished by a mysterious light. They enter the ruins of the city where they find and rescue Miyu, the child they are looking for. Kiritsugu explains that Miyu has the power to grant wishes unconditionally, and that the storm was most likely caused when she was inadvertently exposed to humans thoughts and desires. Kiritsugu declares that he will use her power to save humanity. Shirou and Kiritsugu take Miyu back to their home, where Kiritsugu makes it clear to Shirou that they should only consider her a tool and not a human. Regardless, Shirou begins to bond with Miyu and Kiritsugu passes away before he can learn how to use Miyu's powers.
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