Discussions > OSv3 is now in Beta!

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So finally its in beta version!! 

I know you guys are tired of waiting for this. but hey its better late than never. lol.

Anyways, please check the site out and let me know if you find any issues or would like to suggest something.

Thank you


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This looks amazing! You guys have been so busy!

 1 Reply

It looks awesome

 1 Reply
This looks amazing! You guys have been so busy!

Thanks a lot.. feel free to check it out :) 

 1 Reply

its amazing, a really well needed refresh to the page, im wondering is watchlog coming to beta, or we need to wait more

 1 Reply
its amazing, a really well needed refresh to the page, im wondering is watchlog coming to ...

Yes. i am currently revising the watchlog, watchlist, favorite list and it will be displayed on your profile page.


amazing, even it still in beta the site looks stunning from the loading to inside, hope to see more new features in the future,the beta site feels more clean interface and a great upgrade hopefully it will launch as soon as posible 

 2 Reply

I have discovered an issue with adding episodes to a playlist. I have found that I am able to add one episode successfully but when I try to add a second the "Add to Playlist" button isn't clickable at all. I have managed to add a second episode but only after leaving the anime page and coming back, after which I have to leave and come back again to add another.

 1 Reply
I have discovered an issue with adding episodes to a playlist. I have found that I am able...

Issue has been fixed.

Thanks a lot.


Thank you for your hardwork Jbluey-san! More features and updates for this new version ^^

 1 Reply

hello and thanks for the hard work there is something which maybe is to be added later or is missing there is no way to edit our profile so again thanks for the hardwork and all hail OS


Looks awesome, the site now looks and feels really slick and modern. Great job!


I know you have been working hard but there are features you can add like autoplay not many websites have it. It could add even more people to the website. Also, id like to filter out  genres 

 2 Reply
I know you have been working hard but there are features you can add like autoplay not man...

Autoplay/Autonext episode is already implemented in v3. also another feature is you can create your own playlist so it will automatically play your next in your playlist. but i dont think autoplay will work on mobile since it use a different player.

For the genre. As of now we have a genre list but ill try to do a genre filter.

Thank you


 2 Reply

what about linking the series together(like overlord 1, 2 and 3) so that you could start watching from the first season and follow it all the way trough without going to look for the other seasons, but you would also be able to go fo season 2 or 3 if you want to start there?

else i love how it looks and feels so far

 1 Reply
what about linking the series together(like overlord 1, 2 and 3) so that you could start w...

Thanks for checking v3.

We already have that feature.. you can check it here. its below the Synopsis.

unfortunately i have to manually add them since we lack staff.. lol anyways ill do my best to add them

Thanks again ;)

 2 Reply

Is there a way to suggest anime bcuz yall dont have heavens lost property so..

 1 Reply
Thanks for checking v3. We already have that feature.. you can check it here. its below th...

oh i was thinking of it as when you justed watched to a series then the following seasons would be in the list to the right(where the rest of the episodes are for the current season you are watching)

 1 Reply
oh i was thinking of it as when you justed watched to a series then the following seasons ...

Oh i get it now.

Thanks a lot.

Autoplay/Autonext episode is already implemented in v3. also another feature is you can cr...

idk if its bug or not but the auto play feature isn't working 

idk if its bug or not but the auto play feature isn't working 

Hmm.. what browser are you using? so i can check it out. 

Thank you

Hmm.. what browser are you using? so i can check it out.  Thank you

i have the same problem in a chrome browser

 1 Reply

i have the same problem in a chrome browser

Does this show on your end?

it should show when it reached 31seconds before the video ends.


nope does not show and i dont get the things you hasve to the left in this pic also for some reason

nope does not show and i dont get the things you hasve to the left in this pic also for so...

sorry but can you send me a screenshot what shows on your end? so i can duplicate your issue.

Thank you

You can upload your screenshot in imgur.com

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